The show is intended to make the network of sources and formal interests of the artist, his perceptions and their connections on the way to artistic work as a model for creative thinking and work tangible and to encourage people to embark on a mental journey using auratic objects with an exciting history and idiosyncratic appearance go. Paintings, sculptures, installations and objects are on display, including some exhibits from our own collection.
Curated by Andreas Hildebrand
Andres Hildebrandt /Theo Boettger
Jan Brokof /Susan Donath / Martin Böttger
Henriette Grahnert /Paule Hammer
Anna Lenonadt / Anna Myga Kasten
Johannes C Makolies /Ulrike Mundt
Clemens Reinecke /Georg Sadowicz
Sophia Schama /Alex Schewski
Silvio Zesch /Sebastian Rug
Agathe Böttcher /Karl Hans Janke
Willy Kriegel
Sep 18 2021 - Apr 24, 2022